I have worked in technology business consulting companies, helping them to develop new ventures, and successfully integrate their emerging market entry strategies. Having degrees in Engineering, facilities management and healthcare business. I am open to any collaborations, that may assist SME’s and growth companies in the implementation of their Market Access strategies.
As a change agent, I work daily to develop a solution that will curb youth and graduate unemployment in developing countries. While in the process, I offer career optimization training to equip job seekers within my network. I completed Engineering and Management degrees in Europe, to prepare me for the task ahead, as I feel called into a vision bigger than myself, through your partnership and support, we can help the youths to learn useful strategies to drive profitable personal and career growth.
Experienced in business development process, team training and business strategies. Know-how in identification and evaluation of emerging market opportunities, business plan development, and evaluation of resource requirements. pilot testing of ideas. Skills domain: Visioneering, Development & Execution Strategies, Innovation, IR, Start Small & Grow Big , Sales & Marketing
Offers expertise in patient-centered, personalized, remote monitoring, data analytics, behavioral science and connected medical devices. Working with business and information management drive day to day business operations. Skills domain: Health Informatics on FHIR, Medical Device Innovations, Healthcare Data Analyst etc
Experienced in Sustainable Business Practices such as defining the intersection of economic, social, and environmental impact. Skills domain: Sustainable Facilities Management, Sustainable Water Management, Renewable Energy & Waste Management, Youth Development
With several years’ experience in handling both large and complex project with difficult implementation, I have gained the expanded the scope know-how on how to devise invaluable strategies to improve the financial and operational performance of a client company.
Skills domain: Market Access Consulting, Education Consulting, Emerging Market Specialist, Information Technlogy.
With many years’ experience in addressing different software development needs for SME’s and Start-ups. Within this role, I advise, strategize, design and together with software developers to build solutions that solves business problems. Skills domain: Project Management, Enterprise Architecture, Service Design, Artificial Intelligence etc
In this position my duties are to analyze business processes and provide consultation for functional requirement of processes. I coordinate with different departments end users, analyze requirements, and prepare necessary documents and diagrams. Skills domain: #Product Development, Requirement Analysis Information Technology
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Have уоu еvеr соnѕіdеr the dіffеrеnсе bеtwееn being рrоасtіvе аnd reactive when ѕеаrсhіng fоr jobs. Of соurѕе, there are differences between thе twо. Mоѕt реорlе uѕе reactive job ѕеаrсh strategies, which mеаnѕ they look fоr job openings аnd thеn аррlу to ones thаt іntеrеѕt them.
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